Tuesday, February 2, 2010

पूर्ण ब्रह्म

खोल न सकें पढ़ें अल्ला कलाम, सो खोले उमी सब मेहेर इमाम।
अव्वल एही बांधी सरत, खुले माएने जाहेर होसी कयामत

बड़ा कयामत नामा -प्रकरण 5, चौपाई 31

जो लों ले ऊपर के माएने, तो लों कबूं न बूझा जाए।
सक छोड़ न होवे साफ दिल, जो पढ़े सौ साल ऊपर जुबांए।।

मारफत सागर -प्रकरण 11, चौपाई 34

इनमें लिखी इसारतें, निसान पाइए नजर बातन।
लिए ऊपर के माएने, क्यों पाइए कयामत दिन।।

मारफत सागर -प्रकरण 11, चौपाई 18

कागद में ऐसा लिख्या, आवेगा साहेब।
अंदर अर्थ खोलसी, सब जाहेर होसी तब।।

खुलासा -प्रकरण 14, चौपाई 4

इसारतें रमूजें अल्लाह की, सो लेकर हक इलम।
सो खोले रूहअल्लाह की, जिन दिल पर लिख्या बिना कलम।।

मारफत सागर -प्रकरण 11, चौपाई 35

प्यारे सुन्दरसाथ जी, अब से लगभग साढ़े तीन सौ वर्ष पूर्व स्वामी जी के समय में “श्री कुलजम सरूप साहेब” का अवतरण हुआ व तब से लेकर अब तक वाणी का खूब पठन हुआ। हम सब सुन्दरसाथ ने यह समझा कि वाणी के अवतरण के साथ ही स्वामी जी ने वाणी का पूर्ण रूप से खुलासा कर दिया व वाणी के सब जाहेर व बातून माएने हमें खोल दिये अर्थात् हमें बेशक इलम प्राप्त हो गया या दूसरे शब्दों में कहा जाए तो हमारी आत्म जागृती (कयामत) हो गयी।

अब विचारणीय प्रश्न यह है कि यदि हम बेशक हो चुके हैं तो क्या हमें इश्क मिल गया है और हमसे माया छूट गई है जैसा कि वाणी की चौपाई कहती है

बेसक इलम आइया, पाई बेसक हक दिल बात।
हुए बेसक इस्क न आइया, सो क्यों कहिए हक जात।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 16, चौपाई 103

तोलों चले ना इस्क का, जोलों आड़ी पडी़ सक।
सो सक जब उड़ गई, तब क्यों न आवे इस्क हक।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 16, चौपाई 101

ए बातें सब असल की, जब याद दई तुम।
तब इस्क वाली रूहों को, क्यों न उडे़ तिलसम।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 16, चौपाई 81

आइये सुन्दरसाथ जी विचार करें कि जब हमें स्वामी जी के समय ही इश्क मिल गया था तो खेल अभी भी क्यों खड़ा है ? यदि थोड़ा गहराई में उतर कर विचार करेगें तो हमें समझ आयेगा कि असल में हम खेल की शुरूआत को ही खेल का अंत समझ कर बैठ गये जबकि............
रूहों के लिए खेल तो वाणी के अवतरण के साथ ही शुरू हुआ था क्योंकि वाणी तो केवल आई ही रूहों के लिये है बाकी सभी धर्म ग्रन्थों में तो केवल उनके आने के बारे में भविष्य वाणियां इशारतों में लिखी हुई थी जो स्वामी जी ने स्वंय खोल कर दुनियाँ को बता दिया था कि हक व उनकी रूहें इस संसार में आ चुके हैं।

अब इस वाणी में लिखे फुरमान पर चलकर हम सब रूहों को माया को पीठ देकर एक तन, एक मन व एकचित्त होकर वाणी में लिखी इशारतों में छिपे बातून माएनों के आधार पर अपने असल पिया की पहचान करनी थी क्योंकि यदि पिया जी उसी समय सारे गुझ खोल देते तो खेल क्या रहता क्योंकि खेल तो पिया को इस माया में पहचानने का ही था जैसा कि वाणी में लिखा है:-

मैं छिपोंगा तुमसे, तुम पाए न सको मुझ।
न पाओ तरफ मेरीय को, ऐसा खेल देखाऊं गुझ।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 16, चौपाई 39

ढूंढ़ोगे तुम मुझको, बोहोतक सहूर कर।
मेरा ठौर न पाओ या मुझे, क्योंए ना खुले नजर।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 14, चौपाई 6

मैं रूह अपनी भेजोंगा, भेख लेसी तुम माफक।
देसी अर्स की निसानियां, पर तुम चीन्ह न सको हक।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 11, चौपाई 26

ए बात मैं पेहेले कही, रूहें होसी फरामोस।
मेरे इलम बिना तुम कबहूं, आए न सको माहें होस।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 15, चौपाई 7

ना इस्क ना अकल, ना सुध आप वतन।
ना सुध रेहेसी हक की, ए भूलोगे मूल तन।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 15, चौपाई 19

वह हमारे बीच में हमारे जैसा ही तन धारण करके आये पर हम उनको पहचान न पाये। परन्तु अब आखिरत में वाणी में लिखी सरत पर अपने कौल को निभाने के लिए वह मोमिनों के दिलों को अर्श करके अपनी पहचान स्वंय दे रहे हैं। जैसा कि लिखा भी है:-

ए बातें हक के दिल की, निपट बारीक हैं सोए।
बिना इस्क दिए हक के, क्यों कर समझे कोए।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 12, चौपाई 58

इस्क हक के दिल का, क्यों आवे माहें बूझ।
हक देवें तो इस्क आवहीं, ए हक के इस्क का गुझ।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 12, चौपाई 59

जोस हाल और इस्क, ए आवे न फैल हाल बिन।
सो फैल हाल हक के, बिना बकसीस न पाया किन।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 5, चौपाई 12

अब सुन्दरसाथ जी जब मेहेरों के सागर अपनी इश्क की बरसात कर रहे हैं तो हम सब सुन्दरसाथ भी अपने तन मन को उसमें डुबो कर अपनी प्रेम व इश्क मयी चाल के द्वारा उनको रिझा लें और दोनों ठौर का लाभ उठा लें क्योंकि:-

याही रब्दें इत आइयां, लेने पिउ का विरहा लज्जत।
सो पाए कदम क्यों छोड़हीं, जाकी असल हक निसबत।।

सिनगार -प्रकरण 7, चौपाई 57

जब आखिर हक जाहेर सुनें, तब खिन में रूहें दौड़त।
सो क्यों रहें कदम पकड़े बिना, जाकी असल हक निसबत।।

सिनगार -प्रकरण 7, चौपाई 62

अर्स मोहोल दिल को किया, आए बैठी हक सूरत।
ए अर्स मेहेर तो भई, जो असल हक निसबत।।

सिनगार -प्रकरण 7, चौपाई 13

ब्रह्मसृष्ट मोमिन कहे, रूहें लेवे वेद कतेब विगत।
ए समझ चरन ग्रहें ब्रह्म के, जाकी ब्रह्म सों निसबत।।

सिनगार -प्रकरण 11, चौपाई 38

पाए बिछुरे पिउ परदेस में, बीच हक न डारें हरकत।
ए करी इस्क परीछा वास्ते, पर ना छूटे हक निसबत।।

सिनगार -प्रकरण 7, चौपाई 77

सुन्दरसाथ जी अब हमें जब हमारी निसबत के कारण हमें असल पिउ की पहचान मिल रही है तो हम क्यों ना पिउ जी के द्वारा ली गई इश्क की परीछा में सफल होकर दिखायें क्योंकि वाणी में पिया कहते है:-

इलम मेरा लेय के, निसंक दुनी से तोड़।
सोई भला इस्क, जो मुझ पे आवे दौड़।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 16, चौपाई 62

बेसक इलम सीख के, ऐसे खेल को पीठ दे।
देखो कौन आवे दौड़ती, आगूं इस्क मेरा ले।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 16, चौपाई 85

जब तुम भूले मुझ को, तब इस्क गया भुलाए।
अब नए सिर इस्क, देखो कौन लेय के धाए।।

खिलवत -प्रकरण 16, चौपाई 86

प्यारे सुन्दरसाथ जी हम सब की समस्या अभी भी वही है कि इस माया के घोर अंधकार में असल पिउ (हक) की पहचान और वह पहचान तो वाणी के बातून मायनों में ही छिपी है जो उन्होंने आखिरत में ही अपनी पहचान देने के लिए जाहिर करने थे जिससे कि रूहों की फरामोशी दूर हो जाए और हमें असल की पहचान हो जाए। परन्तु इसके लिए हम सब सुन्दरसाथ को मिलकर सहूर करना पड़ेगा क्योंकि:-

सहूर बिना ए रेहेत है, तेहेकीक जानियो एह।
ए भी हुकम हक बोलावत, हक सहूरें आवत सनेह।।

सिनगार -प्रकरण 25, चौपाई 28

अब जो हिंमत हक देवहीं, तो उठ मिलिए हक सों धाए।
सब रूहें हक सहूर करें, तो जामें तबहीं देवें उड़ाए।।

सिनगार -प्रकरण 25, चौपाई 27

इत आँखें चाहिए हक इलम की, तो हक देखिए नैना बातन।
नैना बातून खुलें हक इलमें, ए सहूर है बीच मोमिन।।

सिनगार -प्रकरण 23, चौपाई 109


योग माया के अखण्ड ब्रह्माण्ड के सत्स्वरूप के आगे नूर मयी परमधाम है, जहाँ पर पूर्ण ब्रह्म का स्वरूप नूर ही नूर तत्व से है वहाँ पर ही उनका स्वलीला अद्वैत और आनन्द का नूरमयी स्वरूप है। उनके रंग महल में वाहेदत और खिलवत है। वहां का कण कण नूरमयी, कोमल, चेतन व सुगन्धि से भरपूर है। वहाँ के पच्चीस पक्षों में हर पल इश्क व आनन्द की ही लीला होती है अक्षर ब्रह्म धाम में होने वाली इसी लीला को देखने की चाहना रखते थे। धाम के इन पच्चीस पक्षों का वर्णन निम्न चौपाई में मिलता है।

धाम तालाब कुंजवन सोहें, वन की नहरें माणिक जोहें।
पश्चिम चैगान बड़ोबन कहिए, एम पुखराज जमुना जी लहिए।।
आठों सागर आठ जिमी के, यह पच्चीस पक्ष हैं धाम धनी के।।

अर्थात् रंग महल, हौज कौसर ताल, कुंज बन, वन की नहरें, माणिक पर्वत, पश्चिम की चैगान, बड़ा बन, पुखराज पर्वत और जमुना जी आठ सागर (नूर, नीर, खीर, दधि, धृत, मधु, रस, सर्वरस) तथा इनके बीच की आठों जमीन परमधाम के पच्चीस पक्ष कहलाते है।


The Holy Eternal Land of Ultimate Bliss begins above the Sat Swaroop Brahmn of Yog Maya. The Ishqmayi Swaroop (the love form) of Akshrateet resides here with his souls. The pleasant feeling of oneness with Him can be realized here only in Rang Mohol. Each & every minute particle of this universe is made of Noor Tatwa. Akhshar Brahmn always wanted to know ' how the lord loves his souls.' The Supreme Lord is eternal, divinely comforting, soft & full of divine fragrance. This universe is brimming with love & pleasure. This whole realm expands in 25 Divine paksha as is described in the following verse:-

Dham talaav kunj ban johein , manek naheren ban ki sohein |
Paschim chogan badovan kahiye, yon pukhraj jamunaji lahiye ||
Athon sagar aatha jimeekei, yei pacchis paksha hai dham dhani kei |

{These 25 pakshas are Rang Mohol, Hauz Kausar Taal, Kunj Ban, Van Ki Naheren, Manik Parvat, Paschim Ki Chaugan, Bara Ban, Pukhraj Parvat, Aath Sagar (Noor, Neer, Ksheer, Dadhi, Ghrit, Madhu, Ras, Sarvaras) & Aath Jimee in between Aath Sagars.}


योग माया का ब्रह्माण्ड

निराकार (मोह तत्व) से आगे अखण्ड तत्व है जिसे योगमाया का ब्रह्माण्ड कहते हैं। इस ब्रह्माण्ड में पार ब्रह्म अक्षरातीत के सत् अंग-अक्षर ब्रह्म के अंतः करण (मन, चित्, बुद्धि, अहंकार) की लीला होती है।

Yog Maya Ka Brahmand

Beyond Nirakaar (Moh Tatwa of which this perishable world is made) is the domain of bright & eternal Tatwa which is known as the universe of Yogmaya. Here Akshar Brahmn, right hand (Sat Ang) of Akshrateet carries on his activities of making & destroying many universes. This realm can be divided in four aspects (Mann, Chitt, Buddhi, Ahankaar):-

1. अव्याकृत ब्रह्म (मन)- अव्याकृत ब्रह्म मन का स्वरूप है यहीं पर पाँच वेदों की माता ज्ञान मयी गायत्री, अपर प्रणव ब्रह्म व रोधनी शक्ति का मूल स्थान है। इससे ऊपर काल निरंजन स्वरूप है। यहाँ पर सात महा शून्य जहाँ से सात राग, सात स्वर व सात रंग पैदा होते हैं, का मूल स्थान है। इससे ऊपर मूल प्रकृति या सुमंगला शक्ति है।

Avyakrit Brahmn (Akshar's Mann) – The domain of Avyakrit Brahmn begins with Rodhini Shakti, Upper Pranava Brahmn & the origin of Mool Gayatri (the source of the Five Vedas). Above that is the Kaal Niranjan Swaroop & the principal origin of the Seven Maha Sunyas, Seven Swaras (tunes), Seven Raagas & Seven Colors. Above that is Mool Prakriti (Sumangla Shakti).


2. सबलिक ब्रह्म (चित्)- यहाँ पर सबलिक ब्रह्म की लीला है। यहीं पर चिदानन्द लेहरी है जो आदि नारायण के जीव का मूल स्थान है। यहीं पर पंच शिव निवास करते हैं- नाद शिव, ब्रह्म शिव, सदा शिव, परा शिव और शिव। यहीं पर ब्रज व रास लीला अखण्ड है।

Sablic Brahmn (Chitt)- Above Avyakrit , in the realm of Sablic Brahmn is present Chidanand lehri who is origin of Maha Jiva of Aadi Narayana. Panch Shiva (Naad Shiva , Brahmn Shiva, Sada Shiva, Para Shiva & Shiva) also reside here. Above Chidanand Lehri is the domain of Akhand Brij & Rass Lila.

3. केवल ब्रह्म (बुद्धि)- केवल ब्रह्म बुद्धि का स्वरूप है। यहाँ पर अखण्ड रास खेली गई थी परन्तु सबलिकब्रह्म में अखण्ड हुई।

Kewal Brahmn (Buddhi)- Above Sablik Brahmn is the realm of Kewal Brahmn where Akhand Raas was palyed.


4. सत् स्वरूप(अहंकार)- यह उनके अहंकार का स्वरूप है

Sat Swaroop(Ahankar)- Above Kewal Brahmn is the realm of Sat Swaroop Brahmn.



इस समय हम जिस ब्रह्माण्ड में रह रहें हैं वह पाँच तत्व तीन गुणों से बना हुआ है। उसके स्वामी आदि नारायण है जिसको क्षर पुरूष कहा जाता है तथा इस ब्रह्माण्ड को क्षर ब्रह्माण्ड कहते हैं। यह काल माया का ब्रह्माण्ड भी कहलाता है। इस ब्रह्माण्ड में चौदह लोक जिसमें मृत्यु लोक से नीचे सात पाताल व इसके उपर छः लोक है। इन चौदह लोकों को आठ आवरणों (पृथ्वी, जल, अग्नि, वायु, आकाश, मन, बुद्धि, और अहंकार) ने घेरा हुआ है और हर आवरण पहले आवरण से दस गुना बड़ा है। नवधा प्रकार की भक्ति के द्वारा जीव चार प्रकार की मुक्ति (सालोक, सामीप्य, सारूप, सायुज) को प्राप्त करता है। लेकिन इन आठ आवरणों से पार नहीं जा सकता। इन आठ आवरणों से उपर ओंकार ज्योति स्वरूप (प्रणव, ज्ञान शक्ति गायत्री, निरंजन, निराकार तथा महतत्व) है। प्राकृतिक प्रलय में यहाँ तक सब समाप्त हो जाता है। इसके ऊपर सात शून्य हैं जहां से सात प्रकार के स्वर, राग और रंग निकलते हैं । इसके ऊपर उन्मुनि इच्छा शक्ति है। यह सभी महा शून्य मोह तत्व से घिरे हुए हैं । महाप्रलय में यहां तक सब लय हो जाता है।

Kshar Brahmand

The universe in which we are living at present is made up of five substances (Tatwas) & three matters (gun). The Lord of this universe is Adi Narayan who is known as 'Kshar Purush'. This universe is called 'Kshar Brahmand'. It is also known as Mrityu Lok (Kal Maya). There are fourteen worlds (lokas) in this universe, counting upward from the Mrityu Loka, are six Lokas & downward there are seven Patals. All these fourteen worlds (Lokas) are surrounded by eight envelops (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sky, Mind, Intellect & Ego).Each envelop is ten times bigger than the former one. Nine types of devotion (Nawadha Bhakti) can lead a Jiva to four types of (Mukti) salvation (Salok, Samipya, Sarupya & Sayuj), but he cannot cross these eight envelops. Beyond the eight envelops are the domains of Omkar Jyoti Swaroop(Pranava, Gyan Shakti Gayatri , Niranjana, Nirakaar & Mah tatwa.) During Prakrit Pralaya, all these domains cease to exist. Beyond that is the domain of the seven Sunyas, seven Swaras (tunes) Seven Raagas & Seven colors. Above that is the Unmuni Itchha Shakti. All entities upto this point are surrounded by Maha Sunya, Moh Tatwa. And everything till here ceases to exist during Final Dissolution (Maha Parlay).


१०८ पक्ष

क्षर से अक्षरातीत तक की अध्यात्मिक मंजिल को 108 पक्षों में बताया गया है। इसी के प्रतीक स्वरूप माला में 108 दाने रखे जाते हैं।

नवधा भक्ति (श्रवण, कीर्तन, स्मरण, पाद सेवन, अर्चना, वंदना, दास्य, सखा भाव और आत्म निवेदन) के पुष्टि, प्रवाही और मर्यादित भेद से ग्रहण करने से सत्ताईस पक्ष होते हैं। सच्चे दिल से समर्पित होकर भक्ति में लगना पुष्टि कहलाता है। दूसरों की देखा-देखी संसार के प्रवाह के अनुसार भक्ति मार्ग का अनुसरण करना प्रवाह कहलाता है। संसार की हर तरह की मर्यादा को ध्यान में रखते हुए भक्ति करना मर्यादित कहलाता है। सतोगुण, रजोगुण एंव तमोगुण भेद से सत्ताईस पक्षों के इक्यासी भेद हो जाते हैं। यह भक्ति केवल स्वर्ग और वैकुण्ठ तक ही ले जाती है।

इससे आगे जाने का प्रयास करने वाले निराकार में जाकर रूक जाते हैं। बयासिवां पक्ष श्री वल्लभाचार्य जी का है, जो निराकार से परे गोलोक की लीला का ज्ञान मानते हैं और सखी भाव की भक्ति के अनुसार चलते हैं, किन्तु तारतम ज्ञान से रहित होने के कारण ये भी निराकार से परे गोलोक की स्पष्ट हकीकत नहीं समझ सके तथा प्रतिबिम्ब की लीला में ही उलझे रह गये।

इस बयासिवें पक्ष से परे तिरासिवां पक्ष है जो पुरूष प्रकृति से भी परे योगमाया के अखण्ड सुखों के अन्तर्गत है। यहाँ तक अक्षर ब्रह्म की पांचों वासनाएं शिव, सनकादिक, कबीर, विष्णु भगवान और शुकदेव पहुँची हैं।

बेहद से परे परमधाम के पच्चीस पक्ष हैं। यह सभी मिलकर 108 पक्ष हो जाते हैं-

धाम तालाब कुंजवन सोहें, वन की नेहरें माणिक जोहें।
पश्चिम चौगान बड़ोबन कहिए, एम पुखराज जमुना जी लहिए।।
आठों सागर आठ जिमी के, यह पच्चीस पक्ष हैं धाम धनी के।।

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Shree Krishna Pranami Juna Mandir, Valsad.

Pyare Sundersaathji Ye Valsad Gujarat Ka Shree Krishna Pranami Juna Mandir He. Yah Mandir Surat Se 100km Ki Duri Per He. Is Mandir Me Pranami Sampraday Ke Har Tyohar Ko Pure Harsolash Ke Saath Dhandhun Se Manaya Jata He.Valsad Me Pranami Sampraday Ke 2000 Sundersaathji Rehte He. Yaha Shree Prannathji Maharaj, Shree Devchandraji Maharaj, Maharani Baijurajji Or Shree Chhatrashalji Maharaj K Dham Gaman Din Pe Sabhi Sunder Saath Upvas Rakhte He Or Us Din Mandir Me Virah K Prakaran Ka Vidhi Sar Gayan Bhi Hota He. Yaha Per Shree Prannath Jyanti Or Shrad Purinma Ka Tyohar Bade Hi Dhamdhum Se Manaya Jata He.
Shree Prannath Jyanti K Din Subah Mandir Ki Chhat Pe Dhaja Pataka Lehraya Jata He. Uske Baad Mandir Ke Aangan Me Dhaja Pataka Lehraya Jata He.Or Phir Samaiya Hota He. Shreeji Ke Janam Kiya Jata He.Raas Garba Khelte He. Uske Baad Dopahar Ko Mahila Mandal Ki Orse 1 Mahine Pehle Parayan Vanchan Suru Hota He Uski Purnahuti Ki Jati He. Or Shaam Ko Shree Prannath Raas Mandal Pure Mandir Pe Shree Prannathji Ke Jitne Saal Hote He Us Time Utne Diye Pure Mandir Pe Pragtate He.OR Phir Shaam Ko Mahila Mandal Ki Or Se Bhandara Kiya Jata He.
Shree Sharad Purnima Yane Us Din Dhani Shree Devchandraji Maharaj Ka Janam Huaa Tha To Us Din Madhya Ratri Me Unka Janam Utsav Manaya Jata He Samaiya Gaakar.Raas Garba Khel Kar.Phir Raat Ko Shree Rajji Maharaj Ki Shavari Nij Mandir Se Nikalti He Or Pure Dhamdhum Se Gaate Bajate Hue Naach Te Hue Shree Rajji Maharaj Ko Raas Mandal Me Laya Jata He.Phir Mandir Ke Aangan Me Kai Karyakram Aayojan Kiye Jate He.Shree Prannath Raas Mandal Ki Orse Tino Din Tarah Tarah Ke Compition Kiye Jate He.Mahila Raas Garba Khelti He. Phir Purose Ke Raas Garba Kehle Jate.Dusare Din Shree Prannath Raas Mandal Ki Orse Raas Garba Compition Kiya Jata He.In Tino Din Vani K Uper Se Raas Garba Khela Jata He, Ramat Kheli Jati. Tisre Din Raas Ki Ramat Kheli Jati H Jo Shree Rajji Maharaj Unki Hum Sakhiyo Sang Khelte He, Jese Ki Fer Fudardi, Aankh Michamni, Aambo, Kusti Akhada. Or Phir Chouthe Din Subah Shree Rajji Maharaj Ki Sawari Phir Raas Mandal Se Nikal K Pure Dhandhum Se Raas Garba Khelte Hue Nij Mandir Me Jai Jati He. Tino Din Raat Ko Chai Nasta, Or Bhjan Ki Vyavstha Ki Jati He.
Aap Sabhi Sundersaathji Ko Humare Is Mandir Ki Visite Lene Ke Liye Hum Aapko Invite Karte He.Aap aaye Humare Mandir Tyohar Ka Aanad Lijiye. Or Shree Rajji Maharaj Ke Rang Me Rang Jaiye.

Humari Ye Blog Aapko Pasand Aayi Hogi.

Shree Krishna Pranami Juna Mandir
Shree Prannath raas Mandal Ki Orse Aap Sabhi Sundersaathji Ko
Kotan Kot Dandvat PRANAM........

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shree Tino Puri Dham Motor Cycle Yatra Sangh 2010

Shree Tino Puri Dham Motor Cycle Yatra Sangh Is Saal 2010 November Me Aayojan Kiya Gaya He. Jo Sundersaathji Is Yatra Ka Labh Lena Chahte He Wo Humara Contect Kare. Or jin Sunderssathji Ko Is Yatra Ko Shewa Deni Ho Wo Humara Contect Kar Sakte He.ye Yatra Valsad Shree Krishna Pranami Juna Mandir Se Niklegi Or Shree 5 Mahamangal Puri Dham Pohenchegi Waha Se Shree 5 Navtanpuri Dham Hokar Shree 5 Padmavatipuri Dham Pannaji Me Pohanchegi. Aage Jo Bhi Karyakram Banega Wo Hum is Blog Me Update Karte Jayenge.Yah Aayojan Shree Prannath Raas Mandal,Valsad Ke Orse Kiya Jaraha He.

Banti Bhavsar 09898793588



Shree Maharaja Chhatrashal Janma Jyanti 2010

Dar Varse Ni Jem Aa varse Pan Shree Chhatrashal Jyanti Uper Ma Shree Prannath Raas Mandal Dwara Shree Akhand Parayan Nu Aayojan Karva Ma Aavyu Chhe.To J Sundersaathji A Parayan Nodhavvu Hoi Teo Banti Bhavsar No Contect Kare. Parayan Vanchan Ni Javabdari Parayan Nondhavnar Ni Rehse. Thata Jemne Aa Karyakram Mate Sheva Aapvani Ni Ichha Hoi Teo Temni Sheva Amne Nodhavi Sake Chhe.
Banti Bhavsar 09898793588

Email Contect:


Friday, January 15, 2010

An Introduction to Shree Prannath Raas Mandal

(Language Hindi But Words English {sms Language})

Pyare Sundersaathji Ki Charno Me Kot Kot Pranam.
Shree Prannath Raas Mandal Ki Sthapna 2000 ki Saal Me Hui Thi.Iski Sthapna Banti Bhavsar,Harin Bhavsar(Lalu),Krunal Bhavsar,Hemil Bhavsar Ke Dwara Hui Thi.Is Mandal Me 18ys Se 30ys Tak Ke Ladke Members He.Humne Is Mandal Ke Jariye Kai Programme K Aayojan Kiye He Or Un Sabhi Programme Me Hume RAJJI MAHARAJ Ke Aashirwad Se Safalta Bhi Mili He.Is Mandal Ke Dwara Kai Karyakram Kiye jate He.Dhamik Karyakram,Samajik Karyakram,Sanskrutik Karyakram.Or Humare Future Me Bhi Kai Plan He Pranami Dharma K Liye.Mandal K Liye.Mandal Ki Activity Aap Niche Dekh Sakte He.

1. Shree 5 Mahamangalpuri Dham Surat Cycle Yatra (4 Time)
2. Sharad Purnima Pe Compition (Har Saal)
3. Shree Ek Akhand Parayan In Shree Krishna Pranami Juna Mandir,Valsad (Har Saal Shree Maharaja Chhatrashal Janma jyanti K Din)
4. Shree 5511 Chhatrashal Chalisha Jaap (Year:2004)
5. Rangoli Compition on Diwali
6. Year:2006 Shree Tion Puri Dham Motor Cycle Yatra Sangh.(Surat,Jamnagar & Pannaji)
7. Shree 108 Saptahik Parayan Mahotsav Mahayagna in Valsad Shree Krishna Pranami Juna Mandir Orge By:Shree Prannath Raas Mandal. 5 Days Programme.

1. Shree Maharaj Chhatrashal Jyanti 2010 Shree Akhand Parayan And Night Bhajan Programme.
2. This November Year:2010 Shree Tino Puri Dham Motor Cycle Yatra Sangh.(Surat,Jamnagar & Pannaji)
3. Animation Movie On Pranami Dharma Vitak Pe Aadhrit.

Koi Bhi Sundersaathji Interest Rakhte Ho Humare Future Plan Me Wo Hume Sheva Dene K Liye Ya Advise Dene K Liye Contect Kare.Banti Bhavsar. contect number:09898793588. Email:shreeprannathraasmandal@rediffmail.com, banti2183@rediffmail.com



During his spiritual compaign, when Mahamati Shri Prannathji reached Panna (in M.P.), at that time the Sundarsath living close to him and serving him, used to describe among themselves each and every object of Paramdham, which was termed as 'Contemplation of the Dham', or 'Chitavani'. This subject-Charchani is written according to these private musings of the Sundarsath. (the relevant reference books are Chhoti and Badi Vrittis of Shri Laldasji).

As it is, Sadguru Shri Devchandraji also used to impart the knowledge of the actual objects of Paramdham to the Brahmamuni Sundarsath. It is during such descriptions, that the Shri Yamunaji was manifested at Shri 5 Navtanpuri Dham. This has been mentioned by Mahamati Shri Prannathji, as indicated by Sadguru, and out of his own experience, in the Parikrama book. Reading this book, the Sundarath taste, the actual experience of these incidents'.

The Sacchidanand form beyond Akshar Brahma, is Parabrahma Paramatma. The Divine-beauty-filled, completely Self-evident, Light-form Parabrahma Dham, is the secret behind the Real form of Poornabrahma Paramatma. This is indicated by the names 'Divya Brahmapur', 'Param Dham', etc. in the Scriptures (e.g. Chand Upan., Maheshwar Tantra, Kaivalya Upan., etc.) The above book acquaints us about the Paramdham. (i.e. Chhoti Vritti, etc.)

Although the description of Paramdham will be made through worldly language only, yet, in order to actually experience Its Bliss, one has to absorb It in one's heart like a machine. Unless and until one can mentally transport oneself to that arena of consciousness and absorb It, one can not gain the Real experience ! Mahamati Shri Prannathji himself has said, that it is not possible to capture the beauty of Pramdham in worldly language; yet, he has endeavoured to describe Its undescribable Splendour, exclusively for the benefit of his beloved Brahmatmas.This only goes to reveal the depth of his compassion !!

There are totally seven Perambulation Arenas (Parikramas) in Paramdham, which cover the twenty five wings of Paramdham. Since it is not practical to cover all the Seven Parikramas in this treatise, we shall try and briefly cover 'One-Perambulation;, for the benefit of our Internet viewers. We request them to try and raise their level of receiptivity to a Higher plane of Consciousness, so that they may derive maximum benefit out of this short treatise.

With this short introduction, we take you through the various Divine arenas in the first perambulation.

The First Parikrama (Circumambulation):
In the middle of the Infinitely circular 32-facetted Paramdham, is the colorful Mansion, the Supreme Abode of Aksharatit Poorna Brahma Shri Rajji. This Colorful Mansion (Rang Mahal) and the Abode (Dham) of Akshar Brahma stand facing each other with great splendour. At a distance of 4.5 lakh koshas from both, in the middle Shri Yamunaji is flowing.

Shri Aksharatit's Paramdham is situated in the West facing Eastward; and Akshar Brahma's Dham is situated in the East facing Westward.

On both banks of Shri Yamunaji, towards both the Dhams, there are Seven groves each, of Kel (Plantains), Limbu (Lemons), Anaar (pomagranates), Amrit (Mango), Jambun (Rose-apples), Narangi (Oranges) and Vat Vriksha (Banyan trees) respectively. Towards the right and left there are two bridge-cum-palaces (Pul-Mahal). The centre bathing-wharf is famous by the name Paat-Ghat. From Paat Ghat a pathway leads us straight to the steps, which takes us up to the main-entrance door of Rang Mahal.

This Rang Mahal or Paramdham is One Bhom above the ground level (1 Bhom=400 Koshas; 1 Kosha = approx. 2 Kms.). This is a 201 facetted extensive round Mansion. It has ten storeys. In front of the Rang Mahal at the ground level there is a beautiful courtyard open to the Sky (or, Chandni Chwok), in which, towards the North and Sourth, stand two raised palforms (Chabutara) beautified by Red and Green trees over them. Climbing one hundred steps from this courtyard, one reaches the main entrance of the Rang Mahal. As one enters, there is a 28-pillared courtyard in front. Standing there if one looks around, one can see 2 circular rows of six-thousand Mandirs (rooms) each. Between these 2 rows of Mandirs, there are two circular rows of pillars forming three concentric lanes between the Mandirs. Ahead of the 28 pillared courtyard, there are 32 concentric circular rows of square and round Havelis (open spaces), placed in groups of four alternately. After the first set of square Havelis ahead of the 28-pillared courtyard, the 5th round Haveli has two concentric circular rows of 64-pillars, each made of jewels and precious stones. Further down in the middle of this round Haveli, there is a raised-platform waist-high, with 64 pillars mounted over its edge. In the middle of this raised patform (Chabutara) there is a golden throne studded with gems, on which Shri Raj Shyamaji (Yugal Swaroop) are seated; and surrounding Them 12,000 Brahmatmas are seated divided into three concentric circulars rows. This is called 'Mool-Milava'.

Ahead of the 32 concentric circular rows of Havelis, there are different kinds of palatial rooms, gardens, fountains, etc. In order to comprehend all this fully, one should read the 'Vritta Grantha' of Paramdham, and see the Charts depicting the same pictorially.

The Second Storey:
Every thing else remaining the same as in the ground or first storey, only on the right side there is an extremely mind boggling deceptive maze of mirror-like walls, floors, ceilings, etc.housed in a mansion consisting 12,000 rooms, which occupies the space covered by 16 square Havelis. Every day Shri Raj Shyamaji and the 12,000 Brahmatmas play games. It is called the 'Bhulavani.

The Third Storey:
There is a large open balcony (Chhajja) from where Shri Rajji gives darshan to the animals and birds, and also Akshar Brahma. Shri Raj Shyamaji perform many Lilas here for 9 hours (06 A.M. to 3 P.M.) along with 12,000 Brahmatmas. The famous 'Love-dailogue' between Shri Rajji and the 12,000 Brahmatmas takes place here, everyday.

The Fourth Storey:
Here, in one of the square Havelis, Navrangbai and her troupe present dance-programs till 9 P.M.

The Fifth Storey:
Here the resting Lila (Shayan Lila) takes place. It is called the Blissful Arena, Love-Arena, Resting-Arena, etc. The Lila takes place between 9 P.M. and 6 A.M.

The Sixth Storey:
Here, in place of the outer circular row of 6000 rooms, there are open verandahs, where many kinds of Aerial vehicles are parked (Aero planes, etc.) in which Shri Raj Shyamaji and 12,000 Sakhis go for sportful wandering between 3 P.M. and 5 P.M.

The Seventh Storey:
There are many multi-designed Swings here, one facing the other, and they appear as if clapping of hands, while swinging. It is called the Swing-Arena.

Eighth Storey:
Similar to the Seventh Storey, here also there are Swings, except that pairs of Swings criss-cross each other while swinging, giving the appearance of 4 hands clapping simultaneously. This is also called the Swing-Arena.

Ninth Storey:
Here, all around, there are wide balconies, in which beautiful thrones with chairs surrounding the throne are provided. From here Shri Raj Shyamaji and 12,000 Sakhis see the beautiful Scenery all around.

Tenth Storey:
This is the Terrace. This contains different kinds of parks with beautiful flowers in them. Each park contains fountains, small canals, and small flower-gardens. In the middle there is a high raised platform, on which Shri Raj Shyamaji's Throne is there, with chairs all around for the Sakhis. On every full-moon day (Poornima), they come here, and enjoy the Bliss of the moonlit night. From here also scenes all around can be seen. On the outside edge of the Terrace (Chandni) there are 201 facet-corners, domes, red flags, small tingling bells, etc., all around. It is called the 'Picture-gallery'. All the 25 wings of Paramdham can be seen from here. Now coming down from the Terrace, and climbing down the steps to the ground level, if one starts walking along the pathway (Raus) meant for perambulation (Parikrama), then, coming towards the South-East corner, one comes across a 16-facetted fountain (Chehebaccha). Going down South, we can see the Vat-Peepal Ki Chowki. This Chowki (Rectangular open space) is 1500 Mandirs long x 500 Mandirs broad. (1 Mandir = 100 Koshas). It contains 75 Banyan trees (Vat Vriksha) and Holy-fig trees (Peepal Vriksha) alternately placed. There are a total of 100 fountains in and around this Chowki.

Noor Baag:
Walking towards the West and passing the 16-facetted fountain in the South-West corner, one comes across the Noor-Baag in the west (there are 16-facetted fountains in all four corners of the Rang-Mahal). This garden is 1500 Mandirs long x 1500 Mandirs broad. There are totally 100 Small gardens within the Noor Baag; and 1017 fountains all around. The Noor Baag has a total of 66,000 iron pillars in it, supporting the Phool Baag above it at the level of the Rang Mahal.

Phool Baag:
Above the Noor Baag, is the Phool Baag supported by 66,000 pillars. Its dimensions are the same as the Noor Baag below - i.e. 1500 Mandirs long x 1500 Mandirs brood). Like the Noor Baag, it has totally 100 small gardens in it; and a total of 4012 fountains all around.

Lal Chabootara - (The Red Balcony):
Coming towards the North, we can see the Lal Chabutara at the level of the Rang Mahal. This balcony is 1200 Mandirs long x 30 Mandirs broad. This balcony is situated alongside 40 facets of the Rang Mahal. Each facet-space is fully carpetted, has a Throne and Chairs around it. From this balcony one can see 41 rows of 41 trees each, which form 1600 wrestling-arenas within themselves. Shri Raj Shyama and 12,000 Sakhis see the wresting-bouts between the various animals, and other acrobatic feats performed by the animals and birds. From the wall on the Northern-side, the trees of the Bade-Van begin.

Walking down further towards the East along the Northern pathway - one can see the Taad-Van (Palm trees). This grove is 300 Mandirs wide x 510 Manidrs long. There are totally 170 gardens in this grove. Along the edge there are Palm-trees and in the middle there are other trees. These trees extend upto the 10th storey of Rang Mahal. There are thousands of swings hanging from these trees. Towards the Rang Mahal, there is a swimming-pool (khadokali) in the Taad-Van.

Walking along the Taad-Van one arrives at the Eastern face of the Rang Mahal. Coming to the middle of the Chandni-Chowk's entrance, if one faces the East, one can see the seven groves (Saath Ghat) mentioned in the beginning of our description. We have now completed One Parikrama of the Rang Mahal. There are six more such Parikramas covering the Rang-Mahal, becoming proportionally more extensive sequentially. The 25 wings of Paramdham are situated within these 7 Parikramas.


A tradition of writing the life-history of Mahamati Shri Prannathji can be specially seen in the Nijanand Sampraday. Thus, in the Nijanand Sampraday, all compositions throwing light upon Shri Prannathji's life are called 'Vitak' or 'Vrittant', e.g. 'Vitak' composed by Shri Laldasji, 'Vrittant Muktavali' by Shri Brijbhushanji, 'Vitak' by Shri Navrang Swami, etc. As such Vitak-literature forms a part of the Biographical-literature only. Vitak literature presents much useful information regarding the Bhaktas of the medieval age. As a matter of fact, the word 'Vitak' is of Gujarati origin, which means a 'tale of one's own experiences'.

About 7 Vitaks are acknowledged by the Pranami Sampraday. However among all these, the Vitak written by Swami Laldasji is the oldest, most revered, and widely used. Just as, in the Pranami Sampraday, after Shri Prannathji, the place of honour is given to Swami Laldasji - so also, in the Pranami literature, after the holy Scripture 'Kuljam Swaroop' (Tartam Sagar), the place of honour is given to Swami Laldasji's 'Vitak'.

Among the many titles of Shri Prannathji, 'Mahamati' is one. Before departing for Paramdham, Shri Prannathji gave his title to Swami Laldasji and asked him to write the complete history of the Pranami Dharma, on his behalf. It is said, that after the departure of Shri Prannathji to Paramdham, Swami Laldasji began to write the Vitak (on the 4th day of Shravan Badi in V.S 1751) and completed the same on Bhaadan Badi Ashtami (Krishnashtami) Even today, wherever Pranami temples are there, in U.P., Bihar, Punjab, Gujarat, Mumbai, Assam, Tibet, Nepal etc., the study of Vitak is undertaken every year from the 5th day of Shravan Badi to Bhaadan Badi Ashtami (or Krishnashtami), so that one's spiritual battery gets recharged, and remains charged till the next year.

There is an account of thousands of persons, hundreds of places and many historical events in the Vitak. Many of the important events are verifiable in History. Vitak deals with the Pranami Dharma founded and spread by Shri Prannathji, and is related with Pranami literature. Not only did Shri Prannathji give the message to both Hindus and Muslims to bury their mutual religious malice, and co-exist peacefully; but also made efforts to search out the underlying basic Unity among all religions, through the study of the respective scriptures of the Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, and those of the followers of prophet Dawood. The writers of the History of India, and Hindi literature, are strangely silent about the life-history of Mahamati Shri Prannathji - the composer of the 18,758 verses of the Holy Book 'Kuljam Swaroop; of the Pranamis, the visionary who dreamt about the 'Unification of all Religions', and the Symbol of inspiration of Emperor Chhatrasal.

The Vitak deals with Shri Krishna's Vraja-Raas lilas, and the life-histories of Sadguru Shri Devchandraji and Shri Prannathji. It deals at length with the different stages through which Shri Prannathji had to pass, before deciding to wage a Religious war with Aurangzeb, during his campaign to awaken Aurangzeb to the truth of Hindu-Muslim oneness. It also reveals the various ideals and values preached and practised by Shri Prannathji during his lifespan of 76 years. It highlights his effort at establishing a Universal Religion and Universal Brotherhood; his efforts to emancipate women, to uplift the poor and the downtrodden, to promote the use of Hindustani, etc.

The last chapters describing the Seva done to Shri Prannathji and Baiju Maharani by Sundar Sath, serves as a guide to the followers of the Pranami Dharma in the matter of doing Seva to the Lord (in the form of the Yugal-Swaroop). It also becomes the basis for contemplation on Paramdham (or Chitavani). Vitak also presents the Doctrines and Philosophy of the Pranami Dharma. Thus the Vitak is a Unique presentation of the various aspects of a Religion, its founders, its history and its doctrine and beliefs - all rolled into one book.

In order to understand Shri Prannathji's Vani, it is essential to have a basic knowledge of Vitak. Tartam Vani is the revelation of Brahman - while Vitak is the path of Sadhana to be undertaken to attain the Goal of Brahman. There is a unique synthesis of History and spirituality in the Vitak. Its Historical-aspect acts as a mirror to the contemporary age, and its spiritual-aspect is the Revelation of Brahma-Lila. The primary aim of the Vitak Katha is to make the common man taste the presence of Paramatma, along with human welfare and all round prosperity. The practical solutions to man's problems in life, are self-evident throughout. As such, this is not the monopoly of any individual or group, but is a priceless Universal Treasure. Vitak teaches us the following -

* Paramdham - and its lilas.
* Shri Rajji, Shyamaji, the Brahmatmas and their Advait Lila, etc.
* Brahman Sat
* Akshar Brahma
* The world
* The jivas
* Maya
* liberation etc., and last but nor the least, teaches human values - such as, compassion, tolerance, co-operation, equal mindedness, feeling of brotherhood, non-violence, duty-awareness, self-restraint, self-confidence and Love towards all.

Shri 108 Paramhansh Shri Krishnapriyacharyaji Maharaj, Bharoda, Gujarat

The information on Shri 108 Paramhansh Shri Krishnapriyacharyaji Maharaj is under preparation. It will be made available after it is compiled. Pranam.

Shri Krishnamani Maharaj, Navtanpuri Dham, Jamnagar

The information on Shri Krishnamaniji Maharaj is under preparation. It will be made available after it is compiled. Pranam.

Aacharya Shri 108 Suryanarayandasji Maharaj

Shri Suryanarayandasji was born in a small village called Kanholi which is in the Madhuvani district of Bihar. He is the son of Shri Chaudhari Mahanto and Smt. Rampari Devi. Since his mother was a Pranami, child Suryanarayan inherited the pranami culture naturally. He adopted Shri Tartam Mantra from Mahant Shri Rajkishoredasji at a very tender age. After reading the book “Kirtan Kunj” which was given to him by Nandkishoredasji, child Suryanarayan got deeply interested in knowing what a saint life was all about. He started to ask various questions to his Guru Nandkishoredasji and showed interest in moving with him. Since Suryanaryan’s parents were religious, he did not have any problems in getting their permission in leaving with his Guru. Suryanarayan was only nine years old at that time. With the blessings of his Guru, he renounced the world at an age of ten.

After he completed his intermediate education while staying with his Guru, he was sent to Shri 5 Nautanpuri Dham, Jamnagar to learn “Shri Mukhvani” and “Shri Bitak Saheb” – the pranami literature and the life story of Shri Prannathji. He learned Shri Bitak from Lakshmidasji Maharaj. Then Shri Nandkishoredasji came to Jamnagar to attend the 300th anniversary celebrations. He took him to Shri 5 Mahamangalpuri Dham, Surat. Here he got teachings from Shri 108 Thakurdasji Maharaj on Shri Mukhvani from Raas Kitaab to Kirantan. At the same time he started learning the Sanskrit literature from Pandit Dhani Dutt Za. After finishing his studies, he moved to 5 Padmavatipuri Dham, Panna. He learned about Vani from Pandit Dhanidasji and pujari Pannalalji Gudawala. Besides this, he learned “Viraat Pat” and “Paramdham Charchani” from Paramhans Shri Dayaldasji Maharaj. After completing his training, Shri Suryanarayandasji started to visit different parts of the county and came across meeting many a literate of various religions and sects. He moved to the holy city of knowledge – Varanasi in 1988. There he received M. A. in grammar and history from the renowned Dr. Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidhyalaya. Currently he is working towards getting his Ph.D. from the Banaras Hindi University.

Shri 108 Thakurdasji Maharaj, Maha Mangalpuri Dham, Surat

For centuries, it is known that Uttar Pradesh (northern province) of northern India has given birth to many great souls - great souls like Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, and such - who chose this land as their place of birth for reincarnation. In this greatest and holy place of land, Shri 108 Thakurdasji Maharaj was born in Vikram Samvat 1953 (1896 A.D.) in Tiwari village which is in the district of Gorakhpur. Nandkumarji was his father and Parvatideviji was his mother. Thakurdas was a very distinct child. He took his childhood education in this village. At the age of twelve, he adopted "Tartam Mantra" from Paramhans Shri Kamaldasji Maharaj and joined the Nijanand Sampraday (sect). Later, to cultivate the seed of Tartam Mantra which was sown in his heart, he moved to Shri 5 Padmavatipuri Dham, Panna to stay with Shri Govinddasji.

There he started learning about the Nijanand Sampraday under the guidance of Shri Meherdasji. While learning all this, he happened to come to Mumbai (Bombay) with Meherdasji, who had to conduct a "Bitak Katha". During these days, the Pujari of the temple was suffering from illness and due to his inability to perform duties of the temple, Thakurdas was appointed as a new Pujari of the Mumbai temple. After being in service as a Pujari for ten years - and when he was thirty years of age, Acharya (guru) Shri Dhanidasji Maharaj of Shri 5 Nautanpuri Dham, Jamnagar came to Shri Krishna Pranami temple of Mumbai to pay a visit. Thakurdas himself appeared before Shri Dhanidasji in his room to offer him the Chandan Tilak. Dhanidasji asked Thakurdas many questions about himself and Thakurdas replied back politely and gracefully. Shri Dhanidasji was impressed by his knowledge and advised him to get detailed knowledge of Shri Nijanand Sampraday, its functioning and practices in Shri 5 Nautanpuri Dham, Jamnagar. Thakurdas accepted this proposal and left for Jamnagar after assigning his duties at the Mumbai temple to somebody else.

Thakurdas served there for many years and attained in-depth knowledge about Shri Nijanand Sampraday under the guidance of Paramhans Shri Dayaldasji Maharaj. He was now recognized as a distinct literate of the Nijanand sect. The entire Nijanand sect was attracted by his personality and knowledge. The sect needed such a person as well at that time. Then in 1947, Seth Shri Gordhandasji took him from 5 Nautanpuri Dham, Jamnagar to 5 Padmavatipuri Dham, Panna, Madhya Pradesh so that Thakurdas could look after the administration and needs of Kshetra temple. He provided his services for about twenty three years and with his efforts, helped make the situation of Kshetra better. He later built a temple in Satna (M.P.) which is still being run under the guidance and supervision of Shri Thakurdasji.

In 1970, when he was seventy three years old, he was attending the Kalash Aarohan Mahotsava on Shri Gummatji (the central dome like construction of the main Panna temple), he was worn a shawl and appointed as the 16th successor of the Surat Maha Mangalpuri Dham throne. This had taken place in the pious place of Shriji - Shri Bangalaji.

After handing over all this duties at the Kshetra temple to Janakdasji, he moved to Shri 5 Maha Mangalpuri Dham, Surat in the presence of Shri Sunder-Sathji and other dignitaries. All the blessings and knowledge seeking Sunder-Sathji who were gathered there to participate into this auspicious ceremony of coronation at Shri 5 Maha Mangalpuri Dham were very delighted by having the Ganges river like holy and treasure of knowledge - saint Shri Thakurdasji. The temple and the entire atmosphere surrounding this place was filled with joy and salutations like - "Shri Prannath Pyare Ki Jai", "Shri Maharani Baijuraj Ki Jai", "Shri Thakurdas Maharaj Ki Jai", etc. Amidst the holy moments of this salutations, Shri Thakurdasji was officially established on the throne of Shri 5 Maha Mangalpuri Dham, Surat on Sunday, January 31, 1971 - the Hindu Vasant Panchmi day. He also attained the honor of being called as Shri 108 Thakurdasji Maharaj.

Ever since, Shri Thakurdasji Maharaj has not only cultivated and served the Sunder-Sathji who were seeking religious knowledge but also carried out many social activities for the poor and needy in the society. The magnificence and glory one can see today at the Surat temple is the result of constant and restless efforts of Shri Thakurdasji Maharaj and in the foundation of all these is his wisdom, devotion, compassion, and renunciation. We have just celebrated his 100th birthday (Satabdi Mahotsav) on November 19, 1996. This great saint has the power to enlighten ones soul. To have the "darshan" or glimpses of this saint itself is a fulfillment in ones life.

- Pranam.

Guruji Shri Mangaldas Maharaj, Kalimpong

(1896 - 1985 A.D.)
Three centuries after the advent of Mahamati Prannthji, Guruji Shri Mangaldasji, disciple of Acharya Shri 108 Pitambardasji, commenced preaching of Krishna Pranami Dharma at Kalimpong. Guruji Mangaldasji was born on Ashwin Shukla Dwadshi Bikram Samvat 1953 (18th October, 1896) in Melbote village of Illam district of Nepal. His father was Shri Kalyandas and mother's name was Narbada Bai.

Guru Mangaldasji lost his father in early childhood when he was just 4 years old. Mother Narbada Bai took Mangaldasji and his younger brother Jagannathji from Assam Bihali to Panna Dham. At the tender age of twelve, Guruji Mangaldasji was initiated into renunciation. He studied religion and paid visits to holy places.

Afterwards he served at Nagour and Merta centers of Krishna Pranami temples. After he had completed his holy journey on foot of all the four Dhams of Dwarka, Badrinath, Jagannath, and Rameshwaram, he reached the divine inspiration here to go and preach the Dharma in Noth Eastern region.

At the age of forty, Guruji came to Kalimpong. After taking care for 3 years of Iche Pranami temple, he purchsed some land in Kalimpong bazar and in a few years he established a grand temple. Thereafter a High School, Ashram, etc. were built. Revered Guruji was a great preacher of Dharma. He preached to his followers of living a purely vegetarian and simple life. Due to his preachings, thousands of people in Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Siliguri, Assam, Sikkim, and Bhutan became Guruji's followers. Thus Shri Krishna Pranami Dharma spread far and wide. On 1 May 1985, Guruji attained the Lotus feet of Lord Krishna.

Shri Dharamdas Maharaj, Navtanpuri Dham, Jamnagar

The information on Shri Dharamdasji Maharaj is under preparation. It will be made available after it is compiled. Pranam.

Shri 5 Padmavatipuri Dham, Panna, Madhya Pradesh

Shri 5 Padmavatipuri Dham, Panna and its sacred places.

Adorned with divine lustre Padmavatipuri Dham is in Panna town at the centre of Vindhyachal in Madhya Pradesh. Moving around in different places along with his disciples Mahamati Prannath reached Panna with a divine message of awakening from Shri Krishna Pranami religion. Seeing a desert island he decided to unfurl the flag of Jagani there. He helped the brave king Chhatrasal and adorned him by the title of Maharaja. He remained there for elevan years, and took samadhi inside the dome itself. The place, therefore, is knwon as the seat of salvation [Muktipitha] or Padmavatipuri Dham.

Shri Gummatji:
This is a circular building and nine domes are adorned on it. Eight domes in eight directions and a vast dome in the centre, on which pot [Kalash] is kept. Because of the charm of these domes, it is named as Shri Gummatji.

Shri Bangalaji:
The king Chhatrasal had constructed a large bunglow for the preceptor Prannathji and so it is called Shri Bangalaji.

Shri Sadguru Mandir:
This is the temple of Nijanandacharya Shri Devchandraji Maharaj, founded by Mahamati Prannathji to worship the preceptor in Shri Padmavatipuri.

Shri Baijurajji Mandir:
This is a temple made in memory of Shri Baijuraj, who was in fact, Tejkumvri, the better half of Shri Prannathji. It is a grand and charming temple founded in Vikram Samvat 1750.

Shri Chopada Mandir:
This is a place where king Chhatrasal received Prannathji in Panna for the first time. A temple was made there and it is called Chopada Mandir. Natural scenery all around is very charming and there are two tanks (Kund) nearby supposed to be Ganga and Jamuna.

Shri Khijada Mandir:
This is the place where in Vikram Samvat 1742 on the sacred festival day of Dashera, Mahamati Prannath gave a sword namely, "Vijaya Zulfkar (Victorious Sword)" to Chhatrasal to become victorious against the unjust and oppressive rule of the Mughals, put his hand on his head and blessed him. A temple was constructed there which is known as Shri Khijada Mandir because a Khijada tree was also there earlier.

Shri 5 Maha Mangalpuri Dham, Surat, Gujarat

"Mangalpuri mahima badi, Hai sab ka Gurudwar,
Chale jagavan saathko, Shri Prannath bhartar."

- (Bitak Punjabki by Shri Khanchandji)
Situated on the bank of the holy river Tapi, the so-called daughter of the Sun God of light, thoroughly engrossed in full essence of devotion like Lord Krishna and Radha of Vrindavan, and quite similar to the most religious and spiritual knowledge places of God Shiva's Kashi, is Surat.

Since ancient times, keeping the harmony of these two streams, Devotion and knowledge, Nishkalank Buddhavatar Mahamati Shri Prannathji established the religious throne - the religious traditional throne by the grace of which with a view to reach the salvation place - Paramdham, to awake the latent soul of Brahma Shristi - on the prestigious and pious land of Surat. Thus proclaimed the preaching of Sadguru Shri Devchandraji Maharaj's generation.

On Vikram Samvat 1729, in the month of Ashadha, 2nd day of the bright fortnight in auspicious Abhijit Muhurt, Shri Prannathji was officially postured to this religious throne by the entire Supreme being - the so-called Aksharatit almighty "Shri Raj - Lord Krishna" who really invested and convened thy power upon him and held his hands to be eligible for the same post. First amongst all, Maharani Baijuraj offered the prayer to Shri Prannathji by lighting the lamps and thereafter all the gathered Sundersath (devotees) - about 3700 - collectively offered their prayers by lighting the sacred lamps to Shri Prannathji and Maharani Baijuraj jointly. The divine words of the prayer being:

"Arati karu re Shri Jeevan Mehraj, Puran sukh kaj,
Akhand dhani Shri Raj, Shri Jiyavar ni arti…"

Thereafter, all the Sundesathji, in Surat, started to proclaim salutations such as Shri Anand Mangal Shri Dham Dhaniju ki jai, Shri Yugal Swaroop ki jai, Shri Baijuraj Maharaniju ki jai,, etc. all of which are still being recited during all auspicious occassions. Hence, the establishment of this religious preceptor's throne of all the Nijanand sect took place. Shri Prannath stayed there continuously for 17 months to perform the knowledge and eternal bliss regarding the books - Raas, Prakash, Shatritu, and Kalash. The religious discourses and preachings of which being the greatest auspicious work started for the first time in this sacred land of Surat. And that's why it is called the highest resort of salvation and declared as the place of pilgrimage popularly known as - Maha Mangalpuri Dham, Surat.

In Jamnagar, Sadguru Shri Devchandraji Maharaj said to Shriji (Prannathji):

"Yah vastu hukam ki, So hove ek hi thor,
Mohe uthay tum baitho, Par na hove kahu aur."

"to view with reverence the salvation place - Paramdham, is totally in the hands of the Supreme being - Hukum. That's possible at a single place only. If you desire to view Paramdham, you may depose me from this throne, you have to be sitting at this throne then only will you be able to view the same". Of course, unless and until you are not subrogated by your superior Dhani to sit on this throne, it is never possible for you to become Mahamati or Prannath.

"Hui pehchan piyun so, Tab kahiyo Mahamati naam,
Ab mein hui jaher, Dekhya vatan Shri Dham."

Hence, since his coronation as a preceptor on this religious throne at Surat, Prannath could perfectly know his superior Dhani, and he became Mahamati Prannath. He could now view Paramdham and he was known as Nishkalank Buddhavatar in the universe. At this particular Maha Mangalpuri Dham, Mahamati Prannath vowed like Bhishma that -

"Tab Shriji Sahibji ne kahya, Jo koi lula paangla sath,
Indravati na chhode tinko, Pahunchave pakad hath."

"Anybody amongst the Sundersath, either handicapped or disabled, the soul of Indravati will hold his hand to take him/her to the salvation place but will never abandom him/her. "

Hence, it is strongly believed that in this highest pilgrim place Surat, Mahamati Prannath and Maharani Baijuraj, by their post and power endowed upon them, still remain here and will remain here forever.

"Uttam puri Surat hai murat sab tirthan ki,
Naad vansh gadi par sohe nihkai hai.
Nitya hi viraje guru roop se Shri Prannath,
Jinake pad bandete darshan nijdham hai."

Thus this ancient, sacred and religious throne of Shri Maha Mangalpuri Dham, Surat was established by Shri Mahamati Prannath.

This is a place in Surat. It is here that Shri Prannathji was offered the sectarian leadership [Gadi] for the first time and was adorned by the name of Prannath. As this pious work was performed here in Surat, it has been named as Shri 5 Maha Mangalpuri Dham. Even today thousands of pilgrims visit this place in Saiyadpura. It is known as 'Mota Mandir'.

It is at this place that the house of Navarang Swami [Mukunddasji] is situated. When he accepted the discipleship of Prannathji, he gave his body, mind, wealth and everything at the feet of his preceptor (Guru). A temple was constructed there and it is known today by the name of Shri Krishna Pranami Mandir Gopipura.

Temple of Bahucharaji:
Bahucharaji is the name of a Goddess. It is said that a saint from Navatanpuri Dham reached there with 'Shri Mukhvani' and gave discourses for a week. After it was over, the goddess Bahucharaji appeared before him and asked him to place 'Shai Mukhvani' in her temple. As that saint came from Navatanpuri, this temple is under the possession of Navatanpuri Dham. Here Pranamis and non-Pranamis both come to visit and to have their desires fulfilled.

Shri Shyamdas Maharajni Deri:
Shri Shyandasji Maharaj was a great ascetic in the tradition of sectation leadership of Mahamangalpuri Dham, Surat. He had asked to keep his 'Samadhi' near the temple after he left this abode but it was not done and his 'Samadhi' was kept far off near a river. During the British rule, engineers tried to construct a railway there but were not successful. Then they decided to dig up the place and found the blood of a living saint. They constructed a small temple there and decided to give forty four rupees for its maintenance.

Shri 5 Navtanpuri Dham, Jamnagar, Gujarat

Shri 5 Navtanpuri Dham, Jamnagar and its sacred places:

It is in Jamnagar district of the Gujarat state. Earlier Jamnagar was known as Navanagar which was established by Jam Raval in Vikram Samvat 1596.

According to the tradition at the end of Dvapar when Shri Krishna was going to Vaikunth leaving Dvaraka he asked Arjun to shift the residents of Dvaraka from there. Krishna knew that after great departure Dvaraka would get immerged in the sea. After the departure of Krishna, Arjun shifted all the residents from there and kept them in a desert place where a town was formed and the name it took was Navanagar which afterwards became Jamnagar.

As we know with a craving to search the supreme essence, Swami Shri Devchandraji went to Kutch - Bhuj and from there came to Jamnagar. Swamiji reached here at the age of 26 and stayed here with his parents. For fourteen years he listened to the discourses of Shrimad Bhagavat given by of an excellent scholar Shri Kanji Bhatt. After an acid test Parabrahma Parmatma Shri Krishna gave his 'darshan' to Shri Devchandraji and said - "You are the pious soul of Sundarbai the divine Supreme abode. Other Souls have also descended on this world to see the mortal sports. I give you this Tartam Mantra to awaken all the souls and take them all to the supreme abode.

Shri Rajmandir is a place in Jamnagar where Shri Devachandraji lived with his parents and listened to the discourses of Shrimad Bhagvata for fourteen years. Shri Chakla Mandir is the house of Shri Gangjibhai who was the first disciple of Devachandraji. Shri Shyamji Mandir is very ancient and here the idol of Shyam Banke Bihari is worshipped. It was here that Shri Devchandraji listened to the discourses of Shrimad Bhagavat from the scholar Kanji Bhatt. Foot-prints and photographs of Shri Devchandraji are still kept there. Shri 5 Navtanpuri Dham (Shri Khijada Mandir) was founded by Nijanand Swami Shri Devchandraji. Shri Krishna Pranami religion was founded on this pious land.

Formerly it was a garden. According to the tradition once Shri Devchandraji went to the garden. He took a small twig of a Khijda tree and cleaned his teeth by it and then tearing into two, planted them into the ground. During the course of time they grew in to big trees and both the trees are still attached to the main wall of the shrine. The devotees visit it to get their desire fulfilled and return with pleasure. This is the reason that the temple is famous by the name 'Khijda Mandir' all around. Gadi Orado is a place of three rooms. In the middle is adorned the divine throne of the revered preceptor and so it is known as Gadi Orada. Jamunajino Kuvo is a place where the revered preceptor had decribed the Advait-absolute abode [Paramdham] to Sunder Sath. Hearing the divine description of the water of Jamuna, Sunder Sath expressed the desire of drinking that water. Drawing a line with his finger the preceptor described the original place of Jamuna and at once the water of Jamuna was seen there. It is therfore called Jamunajino Kuvo.

Shrijinun Medi Mandir is the birth place of Mahamati Prananathji. Worship is performed here daily, in the morning and evening. Sadguru Samadhi is a place where Shri Devchandraji left this earthly abode and so this is famous as Sadguru Samadhi Mandir. Nau Deri is a place where the funeral of the religious parents of Shri Devachandraji Maharaj was performed.

Maharaja Chhatrasal of Bundelkhand

(1649 - 1731 A. D.)
In Samvat 1706, in the house of the Bundela chieftain, Champatrai and his wife Lalkunvari, Chhatrasal was born. Even from his childhood, separated from his parents, he made up his mind to struggle against the tyrannical rule of the Mughals. With the blessings of Shivaji - the Maratha warrior, he was determined to fight for the independence of Bundelkhand; and after his meeting with Mahamati Prannath, Chhatrasal became strong and powerful. Just as Guru Ramdas showed the way to Shivaji so did Mahamati Prannath give guidance and true knowledge to Maharaja Chhatrasal.

Chhatrasal came to Mau, a place near Panna, to meet Prannath after being told by his nephew Dev Karanji who met Prannath in Ramnagar. He was highly impressed and became his disciple. When Maharaja Chhatrasal came to meet him, before going to fight a battle, Prannath gave him his own sword and covered his head with a scarf, saying, "You will always be victorious. Diamond mines will be discovered in your land and you will become a great emperor." Shri Chhatrasal, with a few soldiers fought the Mughal army many times and always won. The people of Bundelkhand regarded this as a result of Mahamati Prannath's blessings.

Chhatrasal told his queens that God had personally come to them and they must go for his Darshan. Chhatrasal himself held the palanquin carrying Shri Prannath and brought him to his palace. He then spread his turban and the queen her saree to welcome Mahamati, they dressed him in royal attire and paid homage to him. Chhatrasal gave his all to Shri Prannath and stood with folded hands as Mahamati summoned the neighboring kings and crowned Chhatrasal as the Emperor of that area.

Having been blessed with both spiritual enlightenment and earthly wealth, Chhatrasal became an irritant to Aurangzeb. They fought eighty battles and Chhatrasal won nearly all of them. Aurangzeb learnt of Shri Prannath's support to Chhatrasal and eventually died a disappointed man. Meanwhile Chhatrasal became a terror for Aurangzeb.

Prannath spend the last eleven years of his life in Panna. During this time Maharaja Chhatrasal established an ideal kingdom. By that time, many communities like the Sikhs, Rajputs, Bundelas, and Marathas had organized themselves against the Mughal rulers. A famous poet named Bhusan has written about Chhatrasal that his kingdom had spread all over and no one wanted to fight him. Hindus and Muslims lived like brothers and shared in religious functions. Scholars and poets were well looked after. Just as the people tortured, by the cruel Kans, took shelter in the peaceful Braj, so did people tortured by Aurangzeb's cruelty take shelter in Bundelkhand where Chhatrasal reigned supreme.

Prannath was not only the religious Guru of Chhatrasal; but he guided him too in political, social, and economic matters. It was by being granted the boon of finding diamonds in Panna by Swami Prannath that Maharaja Chhatrasal became prosperous. With the blessings of Mahamati Prannath, Chhatrasal raised his arms against Mughals and was able to make the land bordered by the rivers Jamuna, Narmada, Chambal, and Tons; into an independent realm of Bundelkhand.

After Mahamati Prannath, the entire responsibility of promoting faith fell to Chhatrasal. Like the Buddha's disciple Emperor Ashoka; Chhatrasal was a talented missionary. Chhatrasal endeavoured to promulgate the Krishna Pranami Religion of Mahamati Prannath, abroad and at home in India.

Mahamati Prannath - (Mehraj Thakur)

(1618 - 1694 A. D.)
Shri Mehraj Thakur was born on the 26th of October 1618 (the fouteenth day of the dark half of Ashwin, the seventh month of the Hindu year Samvat 1675). His father, Keshav Thakur, was a Diwan in the state of Jamnagar. Mehraj's mother Smt. Dhanbai, was a pious lady. He was the fourth amongst their five sons.

At an early age, he was well versed in wordly knowledge and his father was dreaming of Mehraj following him in his footsteps. He was bold and aggressive and had good aptitude for spiritual knowledge. He came to listen to Shri Devchandra's discourses, in the company of his brother; Govardhan Thakur, at the early age of twelve. As he bowed before the master, Shri Devchandra saw in him a great visionary and recognized in him the great divine soul of Indravati, who was to carry on the work of awakening the souls, after Swami Devchandra. Mehraj Thakur wanted to have a glimpse of the Lord and his Lila, as described by Shri Devchandra. For that he started a life of penance but Shri Devchandra told him that all these hard practices were not essential as contemplation, training of the mind and service of mankind. "One should see the world as a stage and perform his duties as a seer without getting engrossed into it."

Shri Mehraj left Jamnagar and went to Dharol and accepted the post of a Diwan. He worked very efficiently and the king left everything to him. Suddenly, Shri Devchandra fell sick and he sent for Shri Mehraj. He wanted his work of awakening the souls -Jagani Lila- to be continued by Shri Mehraj. Shri Devchandra thought that his own son, was not fit for that work.

Shri Mehraj was with his Guru for three weeks. In this period, every aspect of spiritual, political, religious and social matters, were discussed and plan for the future was drawn up. After bestowing his powers and blessings on Mehraj, Shri Devchandra left his mortal and assigned his job of Jagni to Mehraj. Mehraj later disclosed that Lord's consort; Shyama; working through Devchandra, had made him Her instrument to perform the great task of taking the divine souls back to their abode - Paramdham.

While fulfilling this assigned job, Shri Mehraj - Lord Prannath - brought many changes into the Hindu society. While traveling throughout the country, he talked to many people in their language. That is the reason why there are six languages - Gujarati, Sindhi, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hindi and also words of many other prevalent languages; in his works called Kuljam Swarup. Most of the books of Kuljam Swarup are in Hindi - Hindustani. The great thing about it is that all these languages are written in Devnagri - Hindi script. The Kuljam Swarup contains forteen books in 18758 verses which where compiled by his followers, as they were spoken by the Lord. Thus the Kuljam Swarup is the most authentic scripture of the world to Pranamis.

In his task of promulgating the faith, Mahamati Prannath travelled to every corner of India, and travelled, too, the Arab lands: Muscat, Basra, and to Bandar Abbas in Iran. In India he went to Junagarh, Thatthanagar, Naliya, Khambhaliya. In Surat he established the holy shrine of Shri Mahamangalpuri Dham.

Shri Prannath never stayed in one place for long. Inspite of the difficulties of traveling, he was moving around from place to place to awaken the divine souls. At that time, the Hindus were divided in the name of caste, creed, rituals etc. Exploitation of the poor, downtrodden and low castes was a common feature. Women were regarded as low species, not allowed to remarry even if they became widowed at an early age. Women were not allowed to read scriptures or to receive the sacred mantras. Sati or bride burning was in vogue. Mahamati Prannath, in his travels and discourses, tried to reform the Hindu society. He gave "Tartam Mantra" to the women. Some of them became preachers and started many centers for bringing awareness into the society.

During his travels, Mahamati met many saints and tried to unite them so that they could face the growing tyranny of the cruel Mughal King, Auragzeb. He attended many religious congregations like the Kumbh in Haridwar and tried to convince many Hindu saints that instead of praying to thousands of deities, we should pray to the Lord Supreme - the Adwait Brahman. In Haridwar, many saints and learned people were impressed by his philosophy. They realized that the time for the incarnation of "Vijayabhinand Budh Ji" had come which signified that satanic instincts of human beings will be ended and all will come under the folds of true religion - which is one and the only one and for all. In Haridwar, in the year Samvat 1735, the great Kumbha Mela took place, and there Mahamati Prannath introduced a number of people to Nijanand Sampraday. Followers of Shiva, of Shakti, and of Vishnu; the Four Sects, the Dasnam, ascetics, the followers of the six philosophies; all had realized the unparalleled wisdom of Mahamati Prannath, and proclaimed him to be the Vijayabhinand Nishkalank Budh and that day of that proclamation, an era began in his name, known as "Budh ji ka Saka".

In 1740 of the Hindu calendar, he met Maharaja Chhatrasal, the lion of the Bundela dynasty, and the flag of awakening was unfurled at last. Under the protection of Chhatrasal, the shrine of Padmavatipuri Dham was established, and it was during his eleven years in Panna, that Mahamati Prannath spoke the inspired message of the Tartam Vani or Kuljam Swarup, the sacred book which is the essence of all sacred books. The inspired Tartamya Vani or the integral knowledge came to him in jail in the state of Jamnagar, where he was made captive on a false charge. Throughout his life, he was reciting and giving this knowledge to his disciples, who were scribling it down. The collection of all these verses were split into fourteen books and later compiled into one great book, came to be known as "Kuljam Swarup", by his disciple, Shri Keshavdasji. He emphasized the oneness of the Muslim and Hindu faith and established a universal religion - a religion for all mankind and called it "Nijanand Dharma" or the blissful religion for the souls.

In the year 1751 of the Hindu calendar, on the fourth day of the dark half of Shravan, the fifth month, Mahamati Prannath completed his purpose in this world, and prepared to reside in the Highest Abode, "Paramdham". He passed down to Maharaja Chhatrasal the task of awakening the souls.

Shri Devchandraji - (Nijanand Swami)

(1581 - 1655 A.D.)
Shri Devchandra was born on the 11th of October 1581 (Vikram Samvat 1638) in the house of Matu Mehta and Kunwar Bai. Matu Mehta was a big merchant in the town of Umarkot, Sindh (now in Pakistan).

Even at the tender age of five, Devchandra used to get lost in contemplation. He would always wonder - "Who am I?", "What is this world?", "Where have I come from?", "Who is the creator of this world?", "Why is there so much sorrow and misery in this world?". He was very fond of the company of saints and would ask them these questions, but no one could satisfy him.

At the age of sixteen, Shri Devchandra left his home and went to Bhojnagar, a town in Gujarat, where he met many saints. Each one suggested a different form of worship. Shri Devchandra followed each one's suggestion. He strained a lot but the queries in his mind were still disturbing him. The prevalent rituals and unnecessary pretentions and superstitions always disturbed him. He was in search of a true form of religion and the easiest way to reach the Lord.

Shri Devchandra did not believe in blindly following the rituals in the name of any religion. His confirm conviction was to live a noble life, this was far more important than doing mechanically pooja and chanting of prayers. When Devchandra explained this to others, everyone realized that he understood the true form of religion. Shri Devchandra told them that he believed in nourshing the soul. "A glimpse of God and listening to the tales of His glory are as important for the spirit as is food for the body."

After undergoing a rigorous self-discipline, Shri Devchandra got a glimpse of the Lord and he felt His internal bliss. Shri Krishna, the Lord Supreme, appeared before him and asked him the same questions which were already disturbing him - "Who are you?" - the Lord asked - "Why have you come into this world?". "My Lord!" replied Shri Devchandra - "You are asking me the same questions which have been disturbing me since childhood. I am conscious of your presence and know that you are my savior but I am confused by the happenings in the world and misconceptions about life and religion. Please clear my doubts and show me the right path."

Lord krishna gave him the "Tartam Mantra" which dispelled all his doubts. Tartam is a Sanskrit word which is the combination of two words - "Tar" and "Tam". It indicates the knowledge of the above and beyond this universe. Tartam is the integral knowledge which shows the difference between the perishable world and the imperishable entity of Akshar Brahman and the Lord Supreme. It also shows the relationship between the three types of creations and its souls.

The Lord revealed His name as Shri Krishna and explained about His eternal Abode. He enlightened Devchandra about the fact that he was His consort Shyama - the bliss-part of Sachidanand Brahman, who with other divine souls, have come to this world to experience pain and sorrow, so that they can ultimately have the feeling of their blissful state. "Unfortunately, those enlightened souls," stated Lord Krishna, "are engrossed in the mirage of the world. I am giving you the Mantra and power to awaken these souls. Bring them back to their original true home, Paramdham." This movement of awakening of the souls was known as "Jagni". With the help of this integral knowledge - "Tartam", Shri Devchandra started the work assigned to him by the Lord. Many souls were awakened to their true original state and they experienced the eternal bliss.

Shri Devchandra became so popular that within a short amount of time he had large crowds at his congregations. His preachings contained the essence of all the Hindu Scriptures. He explained "Satchidanand" - the God symbolized Truth, eternal Bliss and Consciousness Supreme. He clarified that this illusory sorrowful world was created for the eternal souls, so that they can appreciate their "Satchidanand" state better. Shri Devchandra told that, after having these experiences, they have to go back to their eternal home, Paramdham.

Shri Devchandra explained that the Supreme Lord, in human form, comes to this universe whenever required and stays here as long as it is needed. That is why so many "Avatars", prophets, great souls; keep coming into this world from time to time. They bring the Supreme Knowledge to improve this world but as nothing happens in a dream, so also the condition of this world remains the same. Few souls, the divine ones, rise from their dreamy state and go back to their eternal abode. All the scriptures are meant for them and only they can understand their true meaning.

With regard to creation of the universe; views of Shri Devchandra were the same as those in Bhagvat. The process of creation takes place with the Lord's two powers. Kalmaya creates the perishable dark world of the type in which Lord Krishna's Braj or childhood play was enacted. Yogmaya which created the luminous world (Brindavana), where Ras Lila was enacted. For creation; first the Moh - attachment and ego were created. Then the three qualities or gunas (sat, raj, tam) and then five elements (earth, water, air, fire, the sky) were created. With these, the whole world with 8.4 million species, comes into existence and the Jiv evolves from the lowest to the highest form as a human being. The Brahami souls descended in human form and experienced the play of the world in Brij Lila, Ras Lila. Now they have come for the third act Jagni Lila, which is supposed to awaken them to their original blissful state.

When Shri Devchandra gave discourses, people became deeply engrossed. Many a time, they would hear the sounds of the plays of Braj and Ras Lila like the churning of the curd and the cosmic vibrations of music and dance. The ecstasy of these experiences brought many people into the Pranami fold. Shri Mehraj Thakur, later known as Shri Prannath, was one of them.

Shri Devchandra established Shri Nautampuri Dham (Khijada Mandir) in Jamnagar, Gujarat, the first of the three big centers of the Krishna Pranami faith. In Samvat 1712, on the fourteenth day of the dark half of Bhadon - the sixth month of the Hindu year, Devchandra handed all responsibilities of Dharma spiritual awakening to his principal pupil Mehraj Thakur later known as Mahamati Prannath, and departed to dwell in the Highest Abode "Paramdham".

The Twelve Commandments for a Pranami

1. To believe that Shri Krishna, The Supreme Lord Akshratit is the object of worship and the path is that of total love for him.
2. To recite the sacred Tartam along with the name of the eternal couple, Raj Shyama.
3. To accept Nijanand Satguru Shri Devchandra and Mahamati Prannath as true guides and to follow their teachings.
4. To accept Shri Tartamvani - Kulzam Swaroop as the book of Reverence.
5. To believe that Aksratit Dham - the Eternal Abode, which is beyond the Kshar and the Akshar is the only aim of the Soul to be achieved.
6. To accept Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, Bhagwat, The Vedas, The Upanishadas, and all the other sacred books as testimony for spiritual matters.
7. To give equal respect to all religions, sects, prophets, and their teachings.
8. To keep away from the difference of high and low, caste, color or creed.
9. To follow the path of non-violence and feel compassion for the living beings.
10. To make an honest living, avoid intoxicants, carnal desires, and eat vegetarian diet.
11. To accept Navtanpuri - Jamnagar, Mangalpuri - Surat, Padmavatipuri - Panna as the chief centers of pilgrimage.
12. To greet each other with Pranam.

The Pranami System

Shyama, the blissful form of the Absolute Brahmn is our Satguru
Our relation in the world is through the Akshar
The Supreme Lord is beyond the Akshar
He is Shri Raj ji, the blissful, unique, and a living being life source.

We worship the Supreme Lord
Our gotra is Chidanand
Shyamaji, in His eternal youth is our favorite deity
Our worship to the Lord is like that of a faithful wife.

We recite the name of the divine couple, Raj and Shyama
Our mantra is Tartam
Spiritual knowledge is our goddess
Nautanpuri is our pilgrimage.

One hundred eight pakshas are the branches
Gaulok is our place of stay
The service of the feet of the Lord is our area of work
By doing this all our woes are destroyed.

The eternal Vrindavan is the place for our joy and delight
Our rishi is Mahavishnu
The knowledge of the self i.e. Tartam is our Veda
The river Yamauna is our pilgrimage.

We listen to the Shri Bhagwat with attention
With awakened mind we receive spiritual knowledge
The basis of our eternal joy is our relation with Shyama
Enjoying the bounties of the Abode is our award.

Our abode is the divine Abode of the Lord
We live in the Home of the Akshrateet
Our cult is called by the name of Nijanand
This is the reply to your querries.

Shri Devchandra, the Satguru is the form of Nijanand
He brought this sect into being
We knew this fact from him
And this enabled us to reach the Abode.

An Introduction to Shri Krishna Pranami Dharma

Saurashtra is a territory of India where saints, warriors and women of distiction, during middle ages gave special importance to Shri Krishna Pranami Dharma. This branch with Pranami emphasis originating from Jamnagar spread all over Gujarat and entire India, and to Nepal and other countries, still preserving its initial essence, inspite of intermingling with several other religious streams.

Pranami Dharma has over 5 million adherents who are known to respect each other as friends with Pranam - salutations irrespective of difference of age or youth.

The most important leader of Pranami Dharma who carried the word and practice to places far and near is Shri Prannath, whose monumental efforts and dedication historically have made a distinct mark on the Indian religion and civilization. The main scriptures are: Tartam Sagar and Vitak.

The founder Shri Devchandra Maharaj was born in 1581 A. D., in Marwad province in Umarkot village in a Kayasth family. From early childhood he showed saintly tendencies. At 16 years of age he renounced the world and left in search of Brahma Gyana (divine knowledge) from Kutch to Jamnagar.

Jamnagar was a very important center of Indian civilization. With the contributions of outstanding leaders of thought and religion, it was considered a miniature Kashi, the holy of the holiest of religious centers for pilgrimage and learning. It is here that Shri Devchandraji learned from the famous savant Kanji Bhatt Bhagwat Katha for 14 years with single pointedness and realized the meaning of Bhagwat and attained Bhrahma Vidya (divine knowledge and realization).

After this experience from Tartam Mantra, Shri Devchandraji undertook the work of giving concrete shape and form and called this stream Nijanand Sampradaya, when he made Jamnagar his major center of operation where he explained Vedas, Vedantic knowledge and Bhagwatam in simple language intelligible to lay persons irrespective of social class and religious differences, and taught them Tartam Mantra. This group of persons/followers are now known as Sunder Sath/Pranami.